Benefits of grandchildren for grandparents’ health Blog

Benefits of Grandchildren for Grandparents’ Health

Erik Erikson once said, “I am what survives of me.” This quote is very meaningful when we think about how grandchildren help grandparents stay healthy. Studies show that having grandchildren can greatly improve a grandparent’s health and happiness. They found that caring for grandchildren can make seniors feel less lonely and even improve their memory. […]

Talking With Your Resistant Aging Parents: Timing It Right

The holidays often bring us face-to-face with aging parents. Maybe you’ve noticed concerning changes or know you need to discuss future planning. But where do you start when they resist these conversations? Aging parents often want to put this off, saying “I’m fine, we’ll do that later”.  At, we’re a unique nurse-lawyer, psychologist team […]

Aging In Place: When It’s Not A Good Plan For The Future

Most people at or near retirement age will say they want to remain at home as long as possible. That means not going to a seniors’ home of any kind “with all those old people”. It sounds fine to plan on staying at home forever when one is 65 or so and in reasonably good […]

Siblings, Step-Siblings and Fights About Aging Parents

Blended Families Are At Risk Sometimes aging and the need for change can bring out the worst in people. It can happen in blended families with aging parents. It may not surface until the adult children are faced with issues over their aging parent in common. When new obligations emerge, hidden conflicts may surface. At […]

Desperation: How An Aging Parent Got His Abusive Son Out Of His Home

Here at, we see a broad range of elder-related problems. This one was a first. It is a true case, one a solo ager can learn from. If you are aging and living alone, take heed. The Facts: Aging veteran (AV) was living alone, and struggling with being disconnected from others. He was okay, […]

Know This: Your Aging Parent Living At A Distance May Be At Risk 

American families are often scattered across the country. Kids grow up, find opportunities they like in other places and move away. The parents may stay put, happy to remain where they’ve lived most of their lives. Then aging happens. And with it, risks no one really thought about.  At, where we advise families about […]